Tips for your scripts

Your video content can be effective in engaging your target audience, particularly one that follows your company with a mobile device.

Done properly and edited to the right length, the video segment about your brand, product or service can establish a connection with your customers on a personal level. The content is easily searchable and shareable to put your message before the right people on their devices.

Getting the video done requires some planning for the right results. You will want to keep the message short, but contain enough information in the content to give the consumers what they want and leaves them wanting more.

The script is the first step.

No filmmaker would utter the word “Action!” without a script prepared beforehand. A written script for your company’s video content, whether a video blog or full-fledged presentation, offers you a map for what is being put together – how the interview will unfold, the voice-over narration, the interaction of the scenes.

The written script puts the message you want to present on paper, and makes it easy to talk out before filming to ensure the words sound natural and flowing before the camera.

A script also gives you the opportunity to edit out parts that are too complex, repetitive, self-promotional or, worse, boring, before they go on camera.

So, now that you know you’ll need a script, here are some tips from an article that ran in a blog published by Brainshark:

  • Start with an outline. This puts on paper the points you wish to cover – the introduction, features, call to action, conclusion — prior to the storyboard process where the visual aspects come together.
  • Know the format. Product demonstration, interview, question-and-answer session – knowing the format makes the scripting process go easier.
  • Keep it short. Two to three minutes is optimal for online video content.
  • Get the script approved. Whether the script is being done in house or is outsourced, make sure everyone is on board with the script or outline before moving on to the production.

Do you have some suggestions on the script writing process for your company’s video content? Let us know about it.


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