Consider localizing your mobile content
The global language of business is English. But when it comes to producing and publishing digital marketing content, especially if it targets a global market, not all prospective customers are receptive to English-only content.
The market research firm Common Sense Advisory recently published the results of a survey of more than 3,000 global consumers in Europe, Asia and South America. What Common Sense Advisory found was that 75 percent of the consumers prefer to buy products in their own language.
The survey also finds that more than half of consumers buy only at websites presented in their native languages. For those with limited English skills, the preference for their native tongue increases to 80 percent.
This may not apply to you as the owner of a business primarily focused on generating business leads in this country. But consider that Spanish is the second-most used language on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, or that 7.8 percent of online users communicate in Spanish, or that they spend an average of eight minutes on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
The number of customers that adopted mobile devices to go online continues to surge, even as companies are still developing ways to create and effectively publish mobile content.
Localization of content resonates with prospective customers who can access it on their mobile devices in their native language, whether your business has a global brand or not.
Your content creation team will have to consider carefully factors like how translated copy or video is optimized for the mobile screen, and even regional and cultural differences. The copy should have the look and feel of the company brand in the localized, translated version as it would in the original, English copy.
A business producing localized, mobile-accessible content that connects with customers creates a whole new area of opportunity to get and stay ahead of competitors. This can only improve the bottom line, which is a good thing in any language.
We are MyMobileLyfe and we can help your company develop a content marketing strategy to reach people on the go. Click here to contact us.