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‘Recruitment Marketing’ Category

Does your company struggle to retain employees, leading to constant hiring cycles? If so, your operation is losing out on valuable skills and tribal knowledge – and it’s also costing you money! According to Gallup studies, replacing a lost employee can cost anywhere between 50% to 200% of that employee’s salary. Proactive employee retention policies are almost always cheaper than rehiring.

MyMobileLyfe specializes in recruitment marketing services that enable long-lasting employee relationships. We know how to find – and keep – the best workers!

Offer more internal advancement opportunities. 

63% of workers leave their job because they feel they cannot advance their careers, and look to other businesses to move up the career ladder. In particular, refusing to promote an employee who’s “too good” at their current job is likely to drive them away.

Boost managers’ empathy and listening skills. 

“Bad bosses” are a perennial issue leading to resignations. This can typically be fixed simply by encouraging managers to help workers feel listened-to and valued in the workplace.

Offer flexible hours and/or WFH. 

According to Forbes, 98% of office workers would prefer to work from home at least partially – and 57% would consider quitting if WFH isn’t an option. Modern telecommunications make WFH a workable option for most sit-down office jobs.

Encourage feedback with clear communication channels. 

In our experience, employees want to help improve their workplace, but often lack clear channels for offering constructive feedback and “on the ground” suggestions for improvement. Let your employees contribute, and everybody wins.

Shut down office toxicity. 

Today’s workers have very little tolerance for toxicity in the workplace, with over 50% citing poor office culture as a reason for quitting. Take harassment complaints seriously, and make it clear your workers should feel safe at work.

Have clear and fairly-enforced rules. 

Few issues will tank internal morale faster than unclear or unevenly enforced rules. If workers get the feeling there’s a “two tier” enforcement system, those on the lower tier will look for other employers who will give them fair treatment.

Implement better family policies. 

In a Pew study, 48% of employees mentioned family/child-care problems as a reason for switching jobs. Help support your workers with families, and offer options that allow them to achieve a stable work/life balance which doesn’t require neglecting their family.

Choose a recruitment marketing partner.

Long-term employees begin as great new hires! MyMobileLyfe recruitment marketing strategies can find, attract, and engage prime talent before they even apply, granting you access to the best workers available. Contact us to learn more.

Top tech talent is always in demand, leaving companies to compete for the best workers. Even once you make hires, it’s important to realize what it takes to encourage tech workers to stay at your company.

The following tips will help you attract and retain top tech talent:

Set realistic expectations.

It may be tempting to oversell your company’s growth opportunities in a job listing or initial interview to attract top tech talent. This is a mistake, according to Raconteur. Even if overselling attracts employees, they’ll quickly become dissatisfied once they realize the work isn’t what they expected.

Give your tech employees a sense of purpose.

It is important for all of your employees to understand where your organization is going and how they contribute to its purpose, Forbes says. Give your employees the necessary tools, let them know what you want to achieve, and then let everyone focus on producing those results.

Give them a value proposition.

You may be accustomed to offering a value proposition to your customers, Harvard Business Review points out, but this also needs to be a consideration when it comes to current and new hires. Salary is always important, but for talent retention, your company also needs to provide additional value, such as opportunities for growth or enticing employee benefits.

Make inclusivity a priority.

Having a diverse workforce is key to attracting and retaining tech talent, according to Commit to inclusion in your organization, and you’ll attract a diverse group of prospective employees who see themselves represented in your workforce. This will help them feel comfortable and valued within the company once they’re hired.

Make your work environment flexible.

The best way to ensure tech talent retention is by offering flexible work environments, a Deloitte study found. Tech professionals expect to have choices about their work, such as working fully remotely or having a hybrid work environment. About 46% of them would consider leaving an organization that stopped offering these options.

Don’t discount “soft” skills. 

Even among tech hires, “soft” skills are important, Deloitte points out. These include qualities that can’t be easily taught, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. These types of skills are vital for the success of your tech teams, leading to greater talent retention.

Attracting and retaining top tech talent isn’t only about offering suitable compensation. By providing taking other important considerations into account like flexibility, inclusion, and a sense of purpose, you’ll be able to hire the ideal employee and increase the chance that they’ll stay with your company.

The quality of your workforce can make or break your company. As an employer, you need to hire professionals who know their craft to help you propel your business to new heights. But this is not an easy feat considering the competitive nature of the job market. This is where recruitment marketing comes in. Read on for more information about recruitment marketing, the best strategies to adopt, and what it can do for your business if you do it right!

What is Recruitment Marketing?

Recruitment marketing is a process that employs marketing approaches to attract and engage job seekers enough to want to apply to your organization and get hired. It aims to lead job candidates towards applying to open positions that your company needs to fill.

The process involves creating awareness of job availability, tapping into the interest of qualified candidates, and turning your potential hires into applicants whom you can take through the recruitment process. It is similar to enticing the hires you want to check out your job advertisements and apply.

Strategies for Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment marketing incorporates various elements that focus on positioning your company as the best place to work. Below are strategies you can use for your recruitment marketing to ensure you catch the eye of the best hires.

1. Employer Branding

Your company’s reputation and workplace culture and environment should not only mirror your mission and values, but also align with employee value proposition. A strong employee value proposition that caters to the needs of your workforce and sees them as more than a means to achieve your company’s bottom line can set you apart from competitors and make you a priority among the best candidates. This can be in the form of company salary and benefits, offering a flexible work culture, and championing for diversity and inclusivity during recruitment.

2. Social Media

Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram can increase the success of your recruitment marketing. Utilize social media to advertise job openings to showcase your employer brand to your target market. It is a great way to connect with potential hires, promote job openings, and humanize your business in a way that appeals to the candidates you want to attract.

3. Employee Referral Programs

One way to fill your job vacancies is by having your employees refer top talent to your company! You can offer incentives to employees who refer the right hires to encourage future employee referrals. This way, your employees get to learn the type of candidates you need, be proactive in helping you get them, and ensure a cultural fit, which shortens the recruitment process

4. Candidate Experience

The candidate experience during talent acquisition must be positive if you are going to attract top hires.  As an employer or HR professional, ensure the recruitment process is simple, straightforward, and seamless. Design every step of your hiring process to provide a great candidate experience, right from job posting to the onboarding process. No employee wants to apply to a company that takes them in circles and ends up wasting their time and money without the certainty of being hired.

Benefits of Recruitment Marketing for Businesses

Some of the benefits your business will enjoy when you implement recruitment marketing the right way include:

  • Attracting high-quality candidates
  • An Increase diversity in the candidates you hire
  • Recruitment becomes more efficient and therefore cost-effective and efficient
  • You shorten the hiring process as you lead the right candidates into the hiring funnel toward the available job positions

Talent acquisition can be an expensive and time-consuming process. By adopting recruitment marketing strategies, you can speed up the process and build a formidable workforce that will propel your company to new levels of success!

There are indications that tech jobs have resumed the positive trajectory after slamming into reverse during the pandemic. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimate that over 12,900 tech opportunities were created as of last year September. Interestingly, the number of job seekers remains at an all-time high, making the job market competitive. As such, succeeding in your next tech interview requires that you stand out from other applicants. Below are a few tips.

1. Understand your CV

While it seems obvious, many people don’t understand their CVs deeply, especially after applying for hundreds of positions. Besides tailoring your CV to suit the advertised position, memorize the version of CV you sent before the interview. This reduces the chances of going blank during the interview. Below are a few things to do with your CV:

  • Read the job description carefully – highlight transferable skills if your skills don’t match those required.
  • Have proof of success stories, key results, and challenges you mentioned in your CV.

2. Learn about your Employer

Researching your employer before the interview is also crucial. Check their website, social media, and featured stories in local and national media. For established tech companies, know the basics, such as their share prices, senior leaders, and company deliverables to customers, before sitting for the interview.

3. Show you are Always Learning

Tech is always evolving. Therefore, you shouldn’t stop learning after mastering a skill. If your specialty involves software, processes, and algorithms, show what you’ve been doing to keep up to date. If you recently completed a project that can help your employer, bring it up.

4. Prepare for Common Tech Interview Questions

Employers often use the interview process to learn more about applicants and their technical skills. Therefore, you should prepare extensively and expect tough questions. Simple questions, such as “why do you want to join this company? What are you looking for in this career move, and what qualities do you bring to this role” help potential employers gauge your suitability for the role.

You should also expect specific questions about your applied role. For instance, what experience do you have with specific technologies, or which problems have you solved using a specific technology? Depending on the vacant role, questions in the last stage become more complex. For instance, developers may be asked how to maintain a code base. Most employers also give candidates technical tasks to complete during the interview.


As you prepare for the interview, remember that new opportunities often come through professional connections and referrals. 30% of job candidates find opportunities from their networks. Therefore, you should keep expanding your network with professional peers and others.

Offering employees and prospective ones the possibility of cutting out their commute time completely by working from home has appealed to many in recent years.

Since 2020, there has been an influx of employees searching for remote opportunities due to the pandemic and finding the best fit for employees and their families.

There are different resources out there to help employees looking for remote roles, particularly with FlexJobs, which offers a membership for job seekers and analyzed approximately 100 companies that are hiring for remote roles while also factoring in about 58,000 organizations that posted jobs from last December until January.

Some of the top fields that are hiring for remote roles include computer and information technology, marketing, accounting and finance, project management, and more.

According to FlexJobs, approximately 62% of the job listings on their site are at either the intermediate or experienced level which would be ideal for an employee who has had some previous experience in different settings that is looking for a remote opportunity.

“We’re not seeing one industry dominate the remote job market like we used to,” Kathy Gardner, the vice president of communications at FlexJobs, says. “Three years ago, your best bet to land a remote job was to apply to tech companies, but now, there’s a much more healthy mix of industries offering flexible opportunities.”

Some companies that made it on FlexJobs top 100 companies include SAP, CVS Health, and UnitedHealth Group which have offered the autonomy and flexibility to encourage a healthy lifestyle while balancing work to their employees.

“It’s still a tight labor market, which means companies have to cater to what jobseekers want — and that’s remote work,” Gardner says. “But I also think a lot of companies who switched to remote work during the pandemic realized that it was a smart, long-term strategy for their business, allowing them to expand their talent pools, save money and make their employees happier.”

Organizations that have had to let people go for organizations such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon impacted roughly 40,000 employees.

In comparison to other years, one recruiter, Atta Tarki, who founded a specialized executive search and project-based staffing firm known as ECA partners offered their take on analyzing the labor market statistics and other variables.

From a historical outlook, layoffs in 2023 have been low in comparison to other years which translates to the labor market being tight and a challenge for some.

What makes this market favorable to employees is The Bureau of Labor Statistics has researched and tracked the labor force being laid off since 2000 which means about 1.5 percent of the non-farm private labor force is let go from their job.

Should that number approach 2.0 percent or higher, then Tarki says it would be an employer’s market and if the number is close to 1.0, it would be a candidate’s market or a tight labor market.

In 2022, there was an expansion of 2.5 million workers from Appcast’s “Recruitment Marketing Benchmark Report” which assessed the macroeconomics of the labor market and recruitment metrics.

It was more cost-effective to find and hire candidates in 2022 and receive an abundance of applications according to the report.

“There are glimmers of hope, especially when looking at decreased recruiting costs, but 2023 will be another year of uphill struggles for recruiters working to attract and retain employees in this highly-competitive labor market,” said Heather Salerno, chief marketing officer at Appcast.

Layoffs have occurred in recent weeks starting the new year off which has left employees frantic to find another job to replenish what was lost.

Big organizations have also undergone some challenges in the technology field, specifically cybersecurity, and are looking to bring new talent on board.

Walmart has undergone challenges recently with its technology and cybersecurity and the company wants to focus on recruiting and talent.

“Talent in this field of cybersecurity is very scarce,” said Nick Givens, Walmart’s  Global Tech VP of security engineering. “It’s in high demand, and it’s a very competitive landscape. We are in constant competition not only with companies within our own sector but with almost every company in general because today every company needs some type of cybersecurity element or focus to be successful.”

Givens’ background includes having worked over two decades in Northwest Arkansas with Walmart as a tech employee and understanding firsthand the challenges that come along with recruiting talent.

Setting the foundation for recruiting and building talent is a priority according to Givens. That is why he has relocated to Atlanta since it is a place for Walmart to invest in being a technology hub along with other prime locations such as Toronto, Dallas, Seattle, and Reston, Virginia.

Walmart is planning to have 17 technology hubs in total in the foreseeable future.

Adapting and overcoming new trends such as having a hybrid working option or being fully remote is a pull factor for a lot of employees nowadays where they do not have to uproot their families and offer flexible working options according to Givens.

What can be beneficial to prospective employees is in cities such as Atlanta, Walmart is looking to non-traditional pipelines to recruit talent.

Some of the tech hubs like Atlanta could have programs that offer tech boot camps to train candidates in software engineering or software development.

With the start of 2023, there is a demand for jobs across the board to include those employees who were recently laid off within the last year.

Technology workers that were laid off were able to find new jobs relatively quickly within a span of three months when they lost their jobs according to a recent survey from Zip Recruiter pertaining to new hires.

The Zip Recruiter survey also discovered that almost four in 10 laid of technology workers were able to find a job in less than a month.

“Despite the widespread layoffs, hiring freezes, and cost-cutting taking place in tech, many tech workers are finding reemployment remarkably quickly,” said Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter. “They’re still the most sought-after workers with the most in-demand skills.”

From the federal job market and tech jobs, there have been over a couple of thousand job positions that have not been filled and many are wondering why.

“That’s a lot of roles, and that’s leaving a critical shortage across government, and we really want to use this fair as a way to fill some of those jobs,” Russ said.

For workers that have been laid off from their tech jobs, Jessica Watson, the chief experience officer and co-founder of U.S. Digital Response, which has focused on onboarding volunteers with a tech background for IT projects during the start of COVID-19 said employees are looking for a career shift.

“We would be remiss if we didn’t try to do something, knowing that there are tens of thousands of people who are going through a really big time of uncertainty in their career. At least some of them are probably questioning, ‘Is technology, with a capital T — big tech — the place for me?’” Watson said.

If you have considered a conventional job or one in technology, there are plenty of opportunities out there for employees looking to make a change for the new year.

Being able to explore what the pros and cons are for each may be subjective as well.

2022 threw a wrench in many plans that included everything from a rise in labor organizing, pushing for collective rights, layoffs, uncertainty, and more.

Specifically from an Atlanta perspective, there were some startups that laid off employees for a variety of reasons, however, the common consensus was centered around focusing on shifting from growth to a profitability mindset.

Looking at conventional jobs may be an option for employees looking at what is available from transitioning from a tech job to Gen-Z college graduates.

For those recently finishing up their studies and looking to venture into the workforce, Time Magazine found that in June 2022, employment had improved for those on the market. This included having the unemployment rate lowered to 3.5% and the graduate unemployment rate slightly rising to 4.1%.

For each person, what they find to be a priority in a work environment will vary, however, Gen-Z workers value certain aspects along the lines of environmental sustainability and work-life balance seem to be top priorities for those on the hunt for work.

MiMi Wood who is 22 years old and a recent graduate from Clark Atlanta University, told Business Insider that the job market is anything but a wealth of opportunities.

“It’s discouraging, because a lot of jobs will send messages — it’ll be an automatic message,” said Wood. “And it’s kind of like, how do I know what I’m doing wrong, if no one’s giving me actual, tangible feedback?”

What Wood is referring to are the automated messages that companies send to applicants that did not make it to the next phase of the hiring process.

What appeals to others in a similar situation as MiMi is finding a job and a culture that they are passionate about who see the benefits of quitting an environment they aren’t happy in and finding an opportunity elsewhere.

An employee that was in the technology industry, Priya Natarajan worked as a software engineer was looking for a job where she could “make a big impact on the world” she told the New York Times.

The next step for Natarajan was healthcare after spending almost 14 years at Amazon. She joined Optum Labs which is part of the healthcare industry and an organization that she feels that the organization strives to improve healthcare by using technology and data.