The mobile numbers are out there

Making the move to mobile devices is no longer a convenience. It is becoming the standard for business that want to generate new leads and stay ahead of the competition.

Still need to be convinced about the importance of a content strategy that focuses on mobile devices? Here are some statistics:

According to a 2013 Comscore study, one out of every three monthly visitors to the average digital retail website comes exclusively on mobile platforms. Retail actually had a higher audience penetration with smartphones (90 percent) and tablets (91 percent) than on desktop computers. According to Comscore, mobile apps are driving smartphone retail engagement, while mobile browsing dominates tablets.

There are 176 million “mobile addicts,” users who launch apps more than 60 times a day, more than double the number in 2013, according to Flurry Analytics.

Native apps command about 86 percent of U.S. consumers’ mobile time, or about six times more than the mobile web does.

Bottom line: A mobile strategy for your business is essential because the consumers are out there.


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